Mission Possible



The Prophet Muhammad (PBuH) said, “Whosoever builds for Allah a house, Allah will reward him similar to it in paradise.” (Bukhari)


If you want a home in Jannah, help us now with just $2000 AUD.

We need one-thousand people to do this and we will successfully have purchased the building for the first wholly owned property in downtown Melbourne Australia.

We need to act fast, one-thousand people are required to donate $2000 AUD by Friday 27th January 2017 for our project, The Melbourne Madinah.


What is Melbourne Madinah?

Melbourne Madinah is the home for the community in downtown Melbourne. It is a very active place serving the community with its core Islamic services. After having to move two times in five years due to landlords forcing the sale of the rented premises, we have finally successfully secured a site. We need to raise $2m in one week to complete the purchase which will allow the continuation of:

  1. Jummah Prayers of over 30, 000 people per annum
  2. Fasting in Ramadan of over 10, 000 people per annum
  3. Over 50 Quran Classes Per Annum
  4. Over 50 Hadith Classes Per Annum
  5. Kids Holiday program for inspiring with the Quran


What Can You Do?

Join us in this effort to make the Madinah a landmark Islamic center for Australia. The new center will be a hub of excellence and host all the key Mercy Mission community programs. This is truly a unique opportunity that will allow all donors to support Islam in its entirety, as from this place:

  1. People learn about Tawheed and accept Islam
  2. People pray and learn how to pray
  3. People pay and apply for Zakat assistance on premise
  4. People begin and break their fasts with us
  5. People learn how to make the Hajj with our dedicated seminars

We have one week to go and need your support in raising $2m. That may seem like a lot of money, but as someone that has seen Mercy Mission grow year on year and deliver program after program, we need you to trust us with $2000 AUD.

If as little as one-thousand people trust us with $2000, we will successfully purchase this centre this month, and would have secured the first, wholly owned House of Allah in downtown Melbourne.  This will be an achievement not just for Australia but for you and your entry into Parardise.


How to Support the Melbourne Madinah?

Dip into your savings, borrow money, raise money, do whatever you can to play a small part in this endeavor and build your home in Jannah for just $2000.

Our Prophet (PBuH) said, “Whosoever shares in building a masjid for Allah, even if it is as small as a bird’s nest, Allah (S.W.T.) will build for him a house in Paradise.” (Ahmad)



Once you have donated, share this amazing opportunity with family and friends.  To multiply the rewards even more, buy more than one share and remember the words of our beloved, “the believer’s shade on the day of resurrection will be his charity.” (Ahmad)


  • Paypal: 
  • Bank Transfer:
    • Mercy Mission Dawah Incorporated
    • Bank of Melbourne
    • BSB: 192879
    • Account number: 428401307
    • IBAN: 192879428401307