Madinah Connect | Connecting local businesses & the community
Are you a local business? This is your opportunity to connect with the local community.
Donate $2,000 to support the Madinah and in return, we will run Facebook ads for your business daily until 28 Feb 2017 targeting local Muslims here in Melbourne through our network of Mercy Mission project pages.
We have been running this program since 2 Feb 2017. The businesses who have participated so far have benefited as below (as of 14 Feb 2017)
- Combined Reached 10,816 engaged Muslims in Melbourne.
- Ads were seen 67,973 times in total (6 times per person on average).
- Ads were clicked on 3,070 times across all participating businesses.
If you are interested in joining, all you need to do is
- Support the Madinah Next project by donating $2,000 or more (Click here to donate)
- Send us proof of donation (screenshot of receipt)
- Send us a pic of your business you’d like us to promote and any message to the public.
There have been many local businesses who are participating in this already Alhamdulillah. Why miss out?
Support the Madinah and benefit your business at the same time!
Interested? Contact us now either
- via Facebook or
- By sending us an email at info@melbournemadinah.org
If you know any businesses that would be interested, please share with them as well!
*We reserve the right to not approve a business for the Madinah Connect program if we do not deem it appropriate.